Working in a healthcare office is a highly specialized position and one that is sought after by many people because of the benefits of this type of job. Ultimately, it’s a position that is sought after because it pays well, isn’t going away, and is a position of respect. But, if you want to work in the healthcare industry, you’ll need specialized training. Working as a healthcare office specialist in Louisiana isn’t a pipe-dream, it’s a reality for many students who once walked MTC’s halls.

Healthcare Office Specialist Training

Working in a healthcare office is not as simple as applying for a job. There are medical certifications, degrees, and programs that prepare one for how to work in a healthcare office. At Medical Training College, the Medical Office and Health Information Technician program is one our most important programs. Students have come through Medical Training College for years and then gone on to work in medical and healthcare offices.

What Does This Training Consist Of?

Medical office and health information technician, medical office specialist, or medical office assistant — the titles may differ, but all of these people have similar roles. Technically, they might have separate responsibilities depending upon what they are trained in or what their office needs. But, they are chiefly focused on making sure the medical or healthcare office operates efficiently. This program trains individuals to handle:

  • Patient Education
  • Scheduling Management
  • Referring To Other Offices
  • File System Management
  • Coding, Billing, and Claims Processing
  • Working With Managed Care Plans
  • Medical Billing and Collections

This is not an exhaustive or extensive list, but it’s a basic overview of what you’ll need to be trained in if you’d like to become a healthcare office specialist in Louisiana.

How To Make The Right Choice

If you’re here, it’s because you want to make the right choice. You want to change your life by training for a new career. We understand! We’ve seen many students over the years who have changed their lives by enrolling in a program. By taking the leap and getting to work improving their situation.

Find out more about our simple admissions process, affordable tuition, and exhaustive financial aid process – MTC wants you to get the training you’re seeking.

Inquire About These Programs Today

At Medical Training College, we want to see you thrive! Our dedicated team is here to help you every step of the way. Spring outside your comfort zone and see how training for a new career could make all the difference in your life.