Is Massage Therapy School For You?

If you are currently looking for a way to quickly get trained to start a promising career, then massage therapy school is something you should consider. Medical Training College is a massage therapy school in Baton Rouge that has decades of experience with helping students to get trained for the careers they want to pursue.

Researching Massage Therapy School in Baton Rouge

Medical Training College offers high quality massage therapy classes with qualified instructors. At MTC, students are able to get a fuller understanding of how to become a massage therapist. You can help people with your hands, you just need to enroll at Medical Training College.


Why Enroll At Medical Training College?

  • A Variety Of Job Settings

There are many different ways a massage therapist can find work. You can apply at a private practice, chiropractic office, wellness center, health club, day spa, resort, or many other places of business. At Medical Training College, we also offer job placement services to help people get the position they want.

  • Financial Aid Available

We have worked to ensure that students will have access to financial aid opportunities. This includes making all programs eligible for TOPS, including our massage therapy program. We want students to get all the financial aid they are eligible for.

  • Hands-On Training

There are actual massage tables at Medical Training College, so you will be able to learn in a way that is lasting. You will not just sit at a desk all day and learn from a book, you will get hands-on training from massage therapy instructors with real-world experience and a passion for teaching students.

How To Enroll

Do you want to enroll in a massage therapy school in Baton Rouge? Please get into contact with Medical Training College today, we’d love to help!

Inquire About These Programs Today

At Medical Training College, we want to see you thrive! Our dedicated team is here to help you every step of the way. Spring outside your comfort zone and see how training for a new career could make all the difference in your life.